About the College

This rural College is situated   on the G.T.  Road – a  central  place  between  Amritsar   and  Jalandhar   and  is  spread  over  10  acres   having   38  class-rooms , an   auditorium  with   sitting   capacity  of  1000, fully   equipped   Gymnasium , three  Computer  Labs, Language  Lab  and  Fashion  Designing  Lab. The  college   has  a  spacious  Library  with  15187 books  and  this   is updated  every  year.

The College   today boasts of imparting education   to nearly   700   students. It  is  a premier   Multifaculty  Post-Graduate  Institute,  working   under  the  aegis  of  Guru  Nanak  Dev  University, Amritsar. It imparts education   in various disciplines at under-graduate  and  post-graduate  levels. The College   has been   successfully running   eight   UGC-sponsored Career-Oriented Add - on-Courses. 

Every  year   our  students  are  placed   in  the  University  Merit  lists  of   various  classes. Apart  from  this, our  students   are  active   participants  in  various  Extra-Mural activities at  the  Inter-College  and  the  University  levels. The College  also  organizes  UGC- Sponsored  National  Level Seminars  every  year.

The College   has   36 teaching   staff members and  15 administrative  staff and class IV employees. Its   faculty acts as potent instrument for the   development   and   enlargement   of the individual   capabilities. In  short, the   glory   of  the   College    rests  on  the  enlightened   faculty, supportive   parents, versatile  Principal  and  co-operative  Management  working   under   the  guidance  and  supervision  of  Guru  Nanak  Dev  University, Amritsar.