Seminars & Conferences

  • Distinguished speakers addressing th students to enlighten them on the particular topics that makes the beneficiaries more awakened towards the health of the community.


Internal Quality Assuarance Cell (IQAC) of S.D.S.P Memorial College for Women Rayya has organized a Seminar on‘Legal Awareness and Women Rights‘ in collaboration with District Legal Services Authority,Amritsar . Mrs. Girish Bansal - PCS hon‘ble ‘Civil Judge‘ Senior Division cum Secretary District Legal Services Authority, Amritsar threw light on the gender equality. She informed the young girls of the college about the different channels and services of getting legal services. Mrs. Parneet Kaur Child Protection and Care officer enligthened the students about the self defence mechanism. She made the girls to practice the ‘Scream Therapy’. Both the dignitaries inspired the girl students to cultivate self reliance and self confidence in their personality.

  • The College has organised a seminar on legal services to make the beneficiaries aware regarding the legal aspects.
  • A Seminar was organised by the College to aware the young voters regarding the registration to enter their names in the voter list.
  • Prof. (Mrs.) Arvind Saini worthy Principal of the College addressing the beneficiaries at the moment of the seminar conducted by the Department of Mathematics.
  • A Seminar was conducted by the Carrer & Guidance Cell of the College under IQAC.
  • Dr. (Mrs.) Anu Kapil, Vice President of the College greeting the dignitaries on the stage at event of seminar organises by the Department of Social Sciences.
  • Online Webinar was conducted by PG Department of Computer Science and Application dedicated to "400th Birth Anniversary of Shri Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji" on the virtual platform durin Covid-19 Pandemic.

  • These all Seminars and Extension Lectures are organised to enhance the knowledge and skills of the beneficiaries and the stakholders. The IQAC of the College undertakes all these Academics and Literary Actvities in order to enhance the quality of the education being imparted in the College.