Youth Welfare Club of the College plays a vital role to channelize the energy of the youth. It provides them with the platform to explore and exhibit their hidden talent along with their academic potential; it helps them to pave their way in the contemporary world of Globalization. The Club participates in Hiking-Trekking Camp at Dalhousie and bagges prizes in various events like poem-recitation, dancing and singing etc. The Club participates in the Youth Festival at Guru Nanak Dev University (Amritsar) in various events : Shabad Gyan, Group Song Folk-Song, Giddha ,Skit, Mime, Fancy Dress, Phulkari, Vaar-Singing, Histrionics, Elocutions, Debate, Quiz Competitions and bagges “Champion Trophy” in “B-Division” every year. Moreover this Club participates in the Inter-College Competitions in various Colleges from time to time to make the students consistent competitors in this field.
- In the year 2010-2011 a “Live Concert” was organized where the “Sufiana- Folk Singer” Husnain Akbar, Khadim Varsi and Amzad Ali from Pakistan spell bounded the audiences with their mesmerized singing performances.
- One Act Plays were enacted on the topics "Saka Sirhind", "Beti Bachao Beti Parhao" in the College Auditorium by Bhagat Namdev Theatre Society (Regd.) Ghumaan